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Web 3.0: How decentralisation will change the way we interact with digital services?


Since its origin, the internet has undergone a lot of changes, and with the arrival of web 3.0, the evolution is continuing. Web 3.0 promises to show decentralised, safe, and immersive internet eras. In this article, we explore the decentralised nature of web 3.0 and how 3D experiences are a key part of the next version of the web.

The Decentralised Nature of Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is distinguished from web 2.0 by its decentralised nature, which contrasts sharply with web 2.0’s centralised structure. For instance, Web 2.0 was dominated by a small number of powerful companies that held massive quantities of user data, raising issues with security and privacy:

  1. Google:Google dominates the search engine market with over 92% market share worldwide. In addition, Google also owns several popular web 2.0 services, including YouTube, Gmail, and Google Drive.
  2. Facebook:Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.7 billion monthly active users. The company also owns other popular web 2.0 services, including Instagram and WhatsApp.
  3. Amazon:Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer, with over 200 million monthly visitors to its website. The company also owns several other popular web 2.0 services, including Twitch, Audible, and IMDb.
  4. Microsoft:Microsoft is a software giant that dominates the operating system market with Windows, and the productivity software market with Microsoft Office. The company also owns several popular web 2.0 services, including LinkedIn and Skype.
  5. Apple:Apple is a technology company that dominates the mobile device market with the iPhone and the tablet market with the iPad. The company also owns several popular web 2.0 services, including Apple Music and the App Store.

In contrast, Web 3.0 is decentralised, which means that there isn’t a single entity in charge of the network. Instead, individuals have the power to decide how their information is utilised and have more control over their data. Improved security and privacy are two key benefits of decentralisation. Decentralised systems make it considerably more difficult for hackers to breach the system because data is kept throughout a wide network rather than in a single location. Decentralisation also promotes greater accountability and transparency because all transactions are recorded on a public ledger.

Examples of decentralised platforms include blockchain-based systems such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. These platforms enable secure peer-to-peer transactions without the involvement of middlemen by utilising a decentralised network. Bitcoin is frequently used as an illustration of how Web 3.0 symbolises a more secure and decentralised internet.

The Onset of a Digital Revolution

The way we live, work, and interact with one another is changing as a result of new technologies and advances, which is causing a digital revolution. Many important elements, such as the quick development of technology, the widespread use of the internet and mobile devices, and the rising significance of data and digital services in our daily lives, are contributing to this revolution.

One of the key drivers of the digital revolution is the rise of Web 3.0. Here are some examples of how Web 3.0 alters how we engage with digital services:

Blockchain technology: Web 3.0 is built on blockchain technology, which provides a secure and transparent way of storing and transmitting data. This enables new kinds of digital services that are more secure and trustworthy than traditional web 2.0 services.

Smart contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are stored on the blockchain. They enable the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) that can perform automated transactions without the need for intermediaries. This allows for the development of new kinds of digital services that are more efficient and cost-effective.

3D experiences: Web 3.0 also enables the development of 3D experiences that allow users to interact with digital services in more immersive and engaging ways. This includes virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences that can be integrated into digital services to create new kinds of user experiences.

Personalization: With Web 3.0, digital services can be more personalized to the needs and preferences of individual users. This is because user data can be stored on the blockchain, and users can choose which data they want to share with different digital services. This allows for more customized and relevant experiences for users.

Role of 3D Experiences in Web 3.0

A key feature of web 3.0 is 3D experiences. 3D web experiences provide visitors a more immersive and interactive experience than typical two-dimensional web experiences. There are many different types of 3D experiences, such as augmented and virtual reality.

While augmented reality (AR) adds digital content to the actual world, virtual reality (VR) enables users to fully immerse themselves in a virtual environment. The use of AR and VR technologies has the potential to completely change how we engage with digital content, and they are already being implemented in a number of web-based applications.

One specific example of AR and VR in web 3.0 is the concept of the “metaverse.” The phrase “metaverse” refers to a shared virtual world where users can engage in 3D interactions with digital content and one another. This idea has gained popularity recently and is recognised as a crucial component of web 3.0.

We can anticipate seeing even more creative applications of AR and VR across a range of industries as technology advances and no-code 3D editors become more widespread. Virtual tours of genuine places, more realistic gaming experiences, and more interesting instructional materials can all be produced using 3D experiences.

The Role of Decentralization in 3D Experiences

In web 3.0, decentralisation is a crucial facilitator of 3D experiences. Users can now develop and distribute their own 3D material without relying on centralised systems thanks to decentralization’s increased control and ownership over 3D assets. As time goes on, ground-breaking no-code 3D compilers will facilitate the creation of digital assets by users on web-based platforms. Examples of decentralized 3D platforms and applications include Decentraland, a virtual world built on Ethereum, and Cryptovoxels, a virtual world built on the blockchain.

Implications and Future of Web 3.0

We could see a major change in how we engage with digital content with the arrival of Web 3.0. Decentralisation and 3D experiences improve security, privacy, and engagement, creating new opportunities for e-commerce, entertainment, and gaming sectors. The widespread adoption of web 3.0, however, faces some possible difficulties and barriers.

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